Jeune femme lisant la Bible

If you feel you are called to put Lord Jesus first in your life…

to live with Him
and to follow Him in all his ways…

…maybe the Lord is calling you.

If you hear his voice saying to you:

Give me everything and I will fill your life, my beloved…

…maybe the Lord is calling you.

If you think that the Lord is the only source which can fill your heart with joy…

I must seek him whom my soul loves : Have you seen him whom my soul loves?
Whom my soul loves; I sought him… (Sol 3:1-2)

…maybe the Lord is calling you.

If you receive one of those words, maybe the Lord is really calling you. Then maybe you know someone who could help you to see more clearly: a priest, a nun or a lay person experienced in the way of the Lord. Go and see this person, you won’t regret it.

If you wish, you can ask your question by writing to