The Institute of the Heart of Jesus—Women welcomes celibate women or widows who, faithful to their baptism, answer a particular call of the Father, under the action of the Holy spirit. They let themselves be seized by Christ and in their explicit desire to be conformed to Him give themselves totally to God by commitments to Evangelical Counsels.

The Joy of the Gospel ((c)Myimagine –
We are a living consecration to God in the world in humble service to others, being united with the whole Church and more particularly with the other members of the COR UNUM Family, according to the Constitutions which ensure our unity.
We want to remain faithful both to Father Cloriviere’s spirit and to the tradition of Ignatius and also to the mission entrusted by the Church in today’s world.
We are determined to live according to the Spirit and we want to be helped in sharing what is at the center of our lives: the love of Jesus Christ and service to humanity. We are convinced that if faith, hope and love can’t be expressed, they would be in danger of being lost. That is why we promise to give one another the joy of simple contact, both stimulating and modest.